Food Plot Consultation
Food plot consultations are the first step to getting your food plots transformed into high yield producing plot for you deer herd.
Includes :
- A soil sample
- Full Plot Report
- Planting Options
- Planting Times
- Soil Correction Report.
Property Consultation
Property consultations are designed to set up an entire plan for your upcoming season.
- Food Plot Consultation
- 2-3 Hour Property Walk
-Food Plot, Water and Bedding Options
- Stand and Shack Location Options
- Entrance and Exit Trails Options
- Optimal Trail Camera Location
- Timber Options (Cutting or Planting)
Full Property Management
Full property management is available to prepare and maintain your property, so when hunting season comes your land is set up for success!
-Property Consultation
-Planting All Food Plots and Maintenance.
-Installing Water holes and Maintenance.
-Installing stands and shacks.
-Cutting Shooting Lanes
-Setting Up Trail Cameras
-Timber Removal
-Tree Plantings